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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Guest Post - Hola El Salvador 2014!

This is the first in a series of Guest posts from the educator group who toured El Salvador this July. This was a very strong, articulate group, their posts will be a great addition to the Compadres y Comadres Blog!

What an amazing experience! This trip had the perfect combination - daily educational information on the history of the country, war politics, people, and current social justice issues along with hands-on interactive activities from the El Salvadorian community people!

As a high school teacher, I see this as a perfect opportunity for student education through travel – fits my hyper personality and philosophy in teaching perfectly - no books – just oral history and experiential learning!

I have numerous fond memories, but I must admit acting as car seat dancing “co-piloto” ensuring that our travel van had loud “musica” at all times while on the road is probably my most favourite – the local towns people heard us coming before seeing us! I always greeted them with a “buenos dias” and it was wonderful to see them smile, laugh and greet us back!

“te amo El Salvador – yo regresaré – amiga de por vida”
Dios los bendiga – God Bless+
Fancy Nancy

piloto y co-piloto.jpg
“co-piloto” Nancy y “piloto” Nixon

You can see more of this year's pictures on our Flickr Page

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