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Friday, July 15, 2011

In Suchitoto

We have moved on to Suchitoto today. We met with PROGRESO the local arm of CRIPDES and CORDES. The organization here is very strong. SALVAIDE our partner organization also funds projects here as does CIDA. Their work for women and youth is very progressive and they have done a significant amount of work on ecotourism initiatives.
The city of Suchitoto is beautiful. We met a 92 year old women who still practices the art of making Salvadoran cigars. She let me make one, but it didn't measure up to the wonderful ones she produced for us. Here in this picture you can see the church that dominates the central square. Tonight the square will come alive with music, dancing and fireworks as the town celebrates it's 137th anniversary.
We will be there!
Sent from my iPhone

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